Our mission is simple.
We help kids!
Invest in the Next Generation
HireSmart Cares is a non-profit organization aimed at inspiring and equipping the next generation to meet its challenges with fearlessness and ingenuity through two targeted initiatives within the U.S.
Mark and Anne Lackey match, dollar for dollar your Care Dollars to invest in our Helping Kids programs and take real joy in providing youth with actual tools, leadership training, and critical thinking skills.
Every VE order generates $100 Care Dollars to provide scholarships, loan-free career pathways, and support for future farmers.
The children, teens, and parents who benefit from your contribution may not be able to thank you directly, but please know that you have touched their lives in a profoundly positive way. You can also make additional contributions here. We sincerely thank you.

Invest in U.S. Careers
We recognize the old paradigm of “you must go to college to be successful” carries significant financial risk for many of today’s youth, who may face debt burdens that overshadow their potential earning power.
HireSmart Cares is working with educators in our local community to provide young people with career pathways that don’t involve student loans, with training for careers as electricians, welders, HVAC technicians, carpenters, and much more.
We’re paying for boots on feet, helmets on heads, tools in hands, and wood to cut and construct.
When you invest your Care Dollars here, you’re equipping tomorrow’s workers with the necessary tools and training for successful careers.
Invest in Tomorrow’s Farmers
The bumper sticker rings true: “No Farms No Food® from American Farmland Trust” Farmers face significant financial pressures, and many of today’s youth are fleeing family farms for other careers. But we all must eat, and farming is vital to the welfare of everyone.
With that in mind, HireSmart Cares is making substantial contributions to our local agricultural community to attract more youth to the farming way of life.
We’ve made a sizable financial commitment to our local AG center, where students will house and care for livestock and receive education from AG instructors and farmers.
Your contributions mean that students who don’t live on a farm can learn to farm, which will lead to more students pursuing careers in agriculture.
Your contributions will also help cover the cost of student travels to national ag competitions

Who And How We Serve
You can learn more about our recent projects and initiatives by going to Latest News. If you would like to help our mission grow, please feel free to donate to this worthy cause here. You can direct your contributions and our matching funds to either of the two areas or you can select – greatest need. You will get a receipt for your donation to use on your taxes for charitable contributions.
Originally started to help sustain careers in agriculture, it became clear the need was larger.
Students needed different opportunities and so we refined the mission to “Helping Kids” and we segmented the focus into two areas.
And like you, we like to eat, so we need to entice young people to keep the local community farms
Join Us in Making a Difference