US Career Development

HireSmart Cares U.S. Career Assistance — Devin’s Story 

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While the monuments of Washington D.C. stand as testaments to past leaders, Devin Self is already laying the groundwork to become a leader in his own right — in the poultry industry. 

This 2024 Madison County High School grad has his eyes on the prize — a future in poultry science. And he’s not wasting any time. Devin just returned from a whirlwind trip to the nation’s capital, where he dove headfirst into the national FFA Leadership Conference. It wasn’t just a chance to see the sights but an opportunity for Devin to sharpen the leadership skills he’ll need in the coming years. 

Devin’s trip was made possible with a $1,375 grant from HireSmart Cares to help cover his expenses. HireSmart provides tools, teaching, training, and technology for U.S. youth seeking careers in agriculture and hands-on trades.  

“The grant really helped me in the fact that it was able to allow me to attend this conference,” he said. “Without that grant, I probably would have not been able to attend.” 

Devin said he enjoyed the sightseeing.  

“We toured around the city, checking out all the monuments and seeing how the leaders impacted everyone they served,” said Devin. 

The conference also included intensive leadership training through group sessions where participants focused on leadership activities and learned how to develop communities with each other. One lesson particularly stood out to Devin. 

“No matter what you’re going through, you deserve to be treated equally and served equally. Just because somebody’s different, you don’t have to treat them differently. We’re all in this together to accomplish one certain goal.” 

Devin’s journey into the poultry industry began his sophomore year when his agriculture teacher introduced him to the FFA poultry judging team.  

“At first, I didn’t think much of it,” said Devin. “But I still really enjoyed it, and I thought this would be something I could continue doing.” 

By his junior year, Devin’s passion for poultry had grown. His team made it to the state contest and eventually to the national contest.  

“That’s really when I realized that this is something bigger than what I thought it was, something that I could really make something for myself, and something that I actually really love.” 

This fall, Devin plans to pursue a degree in Poultry Science at the University of North Georgia in Gainesville. When asked about his career aspirations within the industry, he said, “If I had to pick one, it’d probably be a poultry vet or just a small animal vet in general.” 

Devin credits the Madison County FFA chapter for nurturing his interests and providing opportunities.  

“What really stands out to me about the Madison County FFA, what makes them special, is how they make sure that everybody is involved and has equal opportunity to do what they want and what they love,” he said. “It’s really crucial that you start figuring stuff out in high school and that you have a solid community that you go with throughout high school. I feel like FFA at Madison County really has helped accomplish both those goals.” 

The conference provided Devin with networking opportunities that span the country.  

“When I was up there, I met everybody from California to Missouri,” he said. “My roommates were actually from Oklahoma, Iowa, and Missouri. Being with people from the different parts of the nation really allowed me to form connections that I can use later in my career.” 

Devin offered the following advice to those considering a career in agriculture: “Be brave. Don’t be scared to chase your dreams, because you miss 100% of the shots you never take, and the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.” 

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