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HireSmart Supports Poultry Team that Finished 5th Nationally 

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Four Madison County, Georgia students traveled to Indianapolis recently and walked away with the fifth-place plaque in the National FFA Poultry evaluation “Career Development Event” (CDE).  

“We all truly wanted it,” said team member Isabelle Williams, who was named the high individual in the written exam. “We wanted to win, and we worked so much with each other that we knew what we were good at, what we struggled with, and how to help each other through challenges.” 

Williams was joined by George Parham, Devin Self, and Joshua Black, who was named high individual in the shell egg grading for interior and exterior factors. 

Participants in the poultry CDE select live meat-type chickens for broiler breeding, evaluate and place live egg-type hens, and rate the finished product by evaluating and grading ready-to-cook carcasses and parts of chickens and turkeys. 

HireSmart U.S. Agricultural Assistance — Kaylee’s Story 

The Madison County team members got a boost from HireSmart Cares, which helped cover their travel expenses. HireSmart assists the next generation of farmers in a variety of ways, including covering travel costs for students to agriculture-related competitions.  

HireSmart Cares recently donated $50,000 to the Madison County FFA to expand the high school ag barn, allowing more students who don’t live on farms to raise livestock and learn career skills in ag.  

Williams, who is interested in becoming a large animal veterinarian, said poultry judging success is about “paying attention to the small details” and helping each other. 

“That’s the big factor in poultry judging — picking out all the defects from various poultry products,” she said. “We have to judge individually, but then we would all share our suggestions on ways to improve and avoid missing things.” 

Williams said participation in ag activities helps youth understand all the work that goes into food production, which she said is often overlooked. 

HireSmart hopes to raise awareness of the need for a new generation of farmers. “No farms = No food” is a succinct message that strikes home for HireSmart co-founders Mark and Anne Lackey, who commit to doing whatever they can to support youth and their ag career development. 

If you support that aim, consider donating to HireSmart’s ag initiative here