Even in silence, Madison County's Peyton Sartain keeps a beat as works on electrical wiring.  

"If the song has a good beat, I like it," he said. "So, in my head, I'm just trying to play a good beat." 


The music in Sartain's head is a winning tune. The rising Madison County High School senior recently won the Skills USA state championship in electrical construction wiring, along with first-place finishes in the state's Northeast and Southeast regional competitions. He then competed in June in the national Skills USA competition in Atlanta. 

"Being able to win regionals, I told myself, 'Hey, I'm actually better than what I originally thought I was,'" said Peyton. "It definitely builds confidence. By the time I got to nationals, I wasn't nervous, even though it was a lot more serious.” 


In the national event, Peyton competed against 41 other state champions in the Georgia World Congress Center in the Skills USA Championships, the largest skill competition in the world, covering 1.79 million square feet, equivalent to 31 football fields or 41 acres. 

More than 6,000 students competed in 115 hands-on occupational and leadership competitions, including robotics, automotive technology, drafting, criminal justice, aviation maintenance, and public speaking. 

The aim is to prepare youth to be skilled and successful U.S. workers, and that message resonates with Georgia’s electrical wiring state champion. 

"The trades are what build the country," said Peyton, sitting in the Hardees in Danielsville and being interviewed about his experience. "We're in a building (Hardees) that wouldn't be here without the people in the trades. They are very important people. And there aren't enough people for trades. They're probably the most important jobs out there, but they don't get paid as near as much as they deserve." 


Peyton got a boost from HireSmart Cares, a Madison County-based nonprofit that awarded him a $2,275 grant for his Skills USA registration and hotel costs. HireSmart aims to provide local youth with the knowledge, tools, and opportunities to succeed, and the organization funds a variety of initiatives to help support students like Peyton. 

"Our mission is equipping the next generation," said HireSmart Co-CEO Mark Lackey. "We decided we needed to get out into the community, get to know the needs, and find out how we can help."  

Peyton's wiring knowledge has already caught the attention of employers and earned him prize money for purchasing tools.  

Meanwhile, his MCHS construction teacher, Zach Carithers, said Peyton has made great strides in the past year. 

"At this point, he will take the plans and he can kind of roll with it," said Carithers. "His confidence level is sky high — not just in his ability but also socially. He has shown tremendous growth." 


In the Skills USA wiring competition, contestants are tested based on the latest edition of the National Electric Code (NEC) standards, a conduit bending exercise, and hands-on installation of a conduit system, cabling system, and wiring devices.  

The participants work from drawings and specification sheets. Judging is based on general workmanship, the accuracy of layout and installation, and adherence to industry-safe practices.   

Conduit bending involves running a tube to protect and route electrical wiring from one receptacle box to another. Sometimes, obstacles are in the way of the conduit.  

"You have to know how to bend those angles and how they get around obstacles," he said.  

The following day, participants had to install a conduit system.  

Peyton explained the challenge: "I had multiple different circuits that had a wire from a panel. The panels were where the main power goes into and then the breakers go to the circuits, and I had to bend a conduit from there to a junction box that all the other circuits go into that box. In that junction box, you had a whole bunch of different wires, and you had to figure out which one needed to go to where. And there's plywood you had to cut holes into, and you had to run wire behind the plywood, which is kind of hard to do because usually when you wire it's just open." 


Peyton's parents, Matt and Sandy Sartain, watched from the spectators' area as their son put his skills to the test. Matt is a 30-year electrician employed by Escoe Industrial Contractors. 

Peyton's father said his son "never gives up."  

"Even if he comes across a problem, he just works around the problem and he never quits," said Matt. "That means a lot. A lot of men just give up. He never gives up. He makes me very proud."  

Sandy said Peyton's electrical wiring ability has brought him out of his shell socially. She said he used to be extremely bashful about speaking, but now he's willing to give public presentations. She also praised Carithers for his willingness to work with Peyton and develop his skills.  

"I mean, it's summer break, and he took a week with my child to come here to Atlanta to compete," said Sandy. "Not just anybody will do that." 

Carithers said other Madison County students want to participate in Skills USA after seeing what Peyton has done.  


"We got four more students join after state that want to compete next year," he said. "More students are wanting to get involved seeing the success of another student. It's pretty cool. This event also shows the industry support and the need in the industry. Companies are willing to donate time, materials, and workers for these kids."  

Broad River College and Career Academy CEO Paul "Bo" Boykin was also on hand to cheer on Peyton at the national Skills USA competition in Atlanta. He noted the huge investment from U.S. businesses in the event. Industry leaders from 850 companies, trade associations and unions participated. Industry support of the SkillsUSA Championships is valued at over $36 million in donated time, equipment, cash, and material. More than 1,200 industry judges and technical committee members participated this year. 

"What's really special is the amount of industry support," said Boykin. "You have so many employers who are part of this because they see the need to get students excited about these career possibilities and to let them know that there are great opportunities out there for them. Seeing these employers' heavy involvement here shows you that it's badly needed. And it gets kids excited. And they see the connection to the real world." 


Peyton plans a career in electrical wiring. He's not sure exactly how that will look. Will he start his own business? Perhaps. He's considering pursuing a business degree. 

The rising senior said he's glad he participated in Skills USA. He nearly didn't. 

"Mr. C (Zach Carithers) practically begged me to join Skills USA," he said. "I wasn't going to do it. I didn't want to stay after school and we were building a house. I was like, 'I don't know if I have time to do this,' but he convinced me to do it, and I'm glad I did it. I learned a lot. It was good." 

When it comes to electrical wiring, Peyton Sartain doesn't miss a beat. 

For more information about Skills USA, visit skillsusa.org. Anyone with a suggestion on how HireSmart can help local youth develop the skills they need to succeed can email Info@HireSmartCares.org. 

While the monuments of Washington D.C. stand as testaments to past leaders, Devin Self is already laying the groundwork to become a leader in his own right — in the poultry industry. 

This 2024 Madison County High School grad has his eyes on the prize — a future in poultry science. And he's not wasting any time. Devin just returned from a whirlwind trip to the nation's capital, where he dove headfirst into the national FFA Leadership Conference. It wasn't just a chance to see the sights but an opportunity for Devin to sharpen the leadership skills he'll need in the coming years. 

Devin's trip was made possible with a $1,375 grant from HireSmart Cares to help cover his expenses. HireSmart provides tools, teaching, training, and technology for U.S. youth seeking careers in agriculture and hands-on trades.  

"The grant really helped me in the fact that it was able to allow me to attend this conference," he said. "Without that grant, I probably would have not been able to attend." 

Devin said he enjoyed the sightseeing.  

"We toured around the city, checking out all the monuments and seeing how the leaders impacted everyone they served," said Devin. 

The conference also included intensive leadership training through group sessions where participants focused on leadership activities and learned how to develop communities with each other. One lesson particularly stood out to Devin. 

"No matter what you're going through, you deserve to be treated equally and served equally. Just because somebody's different, you don't have to treat them differently. We're all in this together to accomplish one certain goal." 

Devin's journey into the poultry industry began his sophomore year when his agriculture teacher introduced him to the FFA poultry judging team.  

"At first, I didn't think much of it," said Devin. "But I still really enjoyed it, and I thought this would be something I could continue doing." 

By his junior year, Devin's passion for poultry had grown. His team made it to the state contest and eventually to the national contest.  

"That's really when I realized that this is something bigger than what I thought it was, something that I could really make something for myself, and something that I actually really love." 

This fall, Devin plans to pursue a degree in Poultry Science at the University of North Georgia in Gainesville. When asked about his career aspirations within the industry, he said, "If I had to pick one, it'd probably be a poultry vet or just a small animal vet in general." 

Devin credits the Madison County FFA chapter for nurturing his interests and providing opportunities.  

"What really stands out to me about the Madison County FFA, what makes them special, is how they make sure that everybody is involved and has equal opportunity to do what they want and what they love," he said. "It's really crucial that you start figuring stuff out in high school and that you have a solid community that you go with throughout high school. I feel like FFA at Madison County really has helped accomplish both those goals." 

The conference provided Devin with networking opportunities that span the country.  

"When I was up there, I met everybody from California to Missouri," he said. "My roommates were actually from Oklahoma, Iowa, and Missouri. Being with people from the different parts of the nation really allowed me to form connections that I can use later in my career." 

Devin offered the following advice to those considering a career in agriculture: "Be brave. Don't be scared to chase your dreams, because you miss 100% of the shots you never take, and the only thing you have to fear is fear itself." 

Click here to support HireSmart Cares and its workforce development initiatives, which help young adults like Devin pursue their career goals. To suggest additional ways HireSmart Cares can support U.S. career development, email info@hiresmartcares.org. 

Westlynn Epps sees local moms wearing her earrings and their children wearing her T-shirts. 

"I see my earrings a lot, especially at football games," said the rising junior, who serves on the Madison County athletic training team, putting tape on ankles and wrists during games. 

Epps' business is called "Works By Westlynn," and the Danielsville resident, who swims competitively, finds time in her busy schedule to make designs with her "Cricut" machine to sell locally. 

"I got good at making stuff, and then I just started selling to the neighbors up and down the street," she said. "And then they were like, 'Oh, this is cool. I want some more.' So that's how I started. I've been selling for about two-and-a-half years, but I really got into it in the last year." 

Epps will have the opportunity to up her sales now that she's secured a grant from HireSmart Cares for $1,500 after winning the MadiCo Makers Student Entrepreneur Program's first-place prize in the recent Shark Tank competition, where young entrepreneurs made a business pitch to judges. The funds will help her buy materials for her products. 

Under the guidance of MCHS business and computer science teacher Jessica Lonon, students developed a business plan. Then, they presented their ideas to judges at the end of the school year. Shea Cain and Joseph Toole won second and third place and qualified for grants from HireSmart of $1,000 and $500 to put toward their businesses. 

Epps plans to attend either the University of Georgia or Emmanuel University to study nursing, while also swimming at the college level. She's been swimming competitively for nine years and wakes early each morning to practice in Athens. 

The daughter of Jake and Christy Epps wants to be a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse. She was inspired to join that profession after seeing her little brother, Hank, in the NICU after his birth. Or, she may pursue a career in sports therapy. 

Works By Westlynn is a "side hustle," the rising junior said. Her pitch to the Shark Tank judges focused on her local focus. 

"I went into the presentation, and I was like, okay, 'Madison County, Madison County, Madison County,'" she said, adding that she spends time contemplating what local people want. 

Epps said the Circut machine can be tricky. 

"There are these little blades, and when it makes one wrong mistake, it'll drag the whole design apart," she said. "And so then you got to take it off and reload it and try it again." 

She added that the software platform, Cricut Design Space, is also difficult to use.  

"It's kind of just like a big canvas, but it's on the computer," she said. "You got to separate your layers, separate your colors, put everything together, size it, and separate it again to make sure everything's in the right place, then you can cut it and put it back together. So it's a long, frustrating process." 

Epps said many people have Cricut machines, but they get frustrated and "are just like, that's it. I'm done. I'm not using this anymore." 

"So the people that have figured out how to use them are the ones making the money," she said. "I think once more people realize it's not as complicated as it seems, they are going to start using everyone else's ideas and putting them into their ideas. That's how it's going to grow." 

Epps said succeeding is about anticipating others' wants and needs and being early with an answer. 

"You have to always be thinking ahead," she said. "What's going to be the next trend?" 

HireSmart Cares focuses on helping youth like Epps succeed as entrepreneurs, farmers, tradespeople, and in other professional services. HireSmart provides grants, scholarships, and funding for skill development programs, as well as classroom interactions to help youth think through getting a job, managing personal finances, and starting their own businesses. 

If you have a proposal for a HireSmart grant or other funding initiative that will help youth develop skills that could lead to careers, contact us at info@hiresmartcares.org. To learn more about HireSmart Cares, click here. To support young entrepreneurs like Westlynn, click here. 

Auston Bone sees more benefit in getting a paycheck right after high school than going the college route. 

"My advice to the younger generation is do it," he said. "You can make more money going to work after high school than going to college." 

The 2024 Madison County High School graduate was recognized at the school's recent "career signing day" for joining Custom Home Audio.  

"A good career to me is when you love what you do and make good enough money to not worry about what comes next or how you will pay for something, and one where you can do basically whatever you want to," he said. "It will help me get through life easier." 

As part of his accomplishment, Auston got a pair of quality work boots from HireSmart Cares, which aims to help youth like Auston find promising careers straight out of high school.  

The nonprofit provides scholarships, grants for job skills initiatives, coverage of travel and lodging expenses for career conventions, job preparedness training, and more, including work boots for Auston and 12 of his classmates during the recent Madison County High School and Broad River College and Career Academy signing day.  

HireSmart also provided $250 grants to five Madison County seniors who signed with the U.S. armed forces after graduation. 

Auston, 18, is the son of Davey and Michelle Bone. He has two sisters, Sarah and Paige. The recent graduate said Madison County High School instructors Josh Daniel and Zach Carithers were instrumental in helping him get "prepared for the real world."  

When he's not at work, Auston loves to fish and spend time with his friends, swim, go on road trips, spend time with his family, and " help out however I can." 

Auston said he started helping his uncle in the business during COVID, and "from there, I just grew and started to like it, so I stuck with it." 

"Some of my responsibilities with the company is to run service calls, try to provide as much help and explanation as I can to the customer with whatever we're doing, and try to do this neat and time efficiently as possible," he said. "It's been great so far. I've been able to go into so many unique houses, and I'm able to travel all over the country." 

To suggest how HireSmart can help more young people like Auston find a path to success, email info@hiresmartcares.org. To read more about HireSmart Cares, visit hiresmartcares.org. To support HireSmart Cares initiatives with a monetary donation, click here

What makes a resume stand out? How do you prepare for an interview, and what are good questions to ask a potential employer in a job interview? 

HireSmart Cares co-founders and CEOs Anne and Mark Lackey, who have created and run successful real estate and international staffing businesses, recently shared answers to those questions with students in Zach Carithers' Construction 3 class at Madison County High School, who will meet with representatives from various industries during the school's April 18 Career Day. 

HireSmart is a nonprofit dedicated to helping the next generation succeed through financial investments in agriculture education and workforce development initiatives, as well as teaching students about job preparedness, personal finance and entrepreneurship. 

"We're here to help you get a job," said Anne to the students. "That is our number one reason for being here." 

Anne noted that resumes aren't the place to tell a life story. Instead, their purpose is to secure an interview. They should be concise, include details on what makes the applicant special — such as promotions at previous work, stellar school attendance, extracurricular activities, or good grades — and provide clear instructions on contacting them.   

She also offered to review each of Carithers' students' resumes and urged them to be clear about what they're seeking and to prepare their resumes before Career Day. 

"When you are building your resume, you want to be clear about what you want so that you can communicate that," she said. 

Mark told students he started as a busboy at an International House of Pancakes, then earned a promotion to a backup cook position and continued to progress through the years, serving in executive roles and starting multiple successful businesses. He stressed the importance of demonstrating responsibility, initiative, and a strong work ethic in any position, whether entry-level or CEO. 

"What glory is there in that (serving as a busboy)?" he asked. "Not a lot, but I moved up their ladder, and it showed them that I took initiative. I was responsible. I showed up on time. That's what employers want. They want somebody who will show up on time and work hard." 

Anne advised students to arrive at least 20 minutes early to interviews, bring copies of their resumes, bring a pen and pad to take notes, and leave their cell phone in the car. 

"There's nothing that's going to happen within the hour and a half to two hours that you might be in an interview that is more important than the person that you're meeting with," she said, adding that mom or dad shouldn't come to the business during an interview either. 

The CEO emphasized respecting everyone, from the receptionist to the interviewer. 

"You may think, 'Well, she's just the receptionist. I don't need to be nice to her.' That is a wrong answer," Anne warned. You want to make sure that you are nice to everybody… My first real job was as a receptionist in a bank. Do you know that we didn't hire people who were rude to me? The first thing I did was report them to the director of HR and said they didn't have people skills." 

Anne encouraged the students to be in "interview mode" even before they get to the job site, since you don't know who you'll meet in traffic. That person you cut off in traffic could be the person scheduled to interview you. 

She told the students to stand up for any handshake, and then the Lackeys practiced firm handshakes with the class, emphasizing direct eye contact. She added details such as always putting your nametag on your right so that they can easily see your name when you shake hands with someone. 

"You want to carry yourself well and give them your full attention," she said. 

She said every interview has value, even if it's not your desired job, because it's great practice and helps sharpen your interviewing skills. Mark added that industry professionals talk to each other, and while a position might not be the right fit for you, an employer impressed with your resume and interview may refer you to another company seeking someone more in line with your goals. 

"Use it (the interview) as practice so that when you meet somebody that you're interested in, you're ready," he told the construction class. "It's like measuring twice and cutting once, right?" 

The Lackeys encouraged students to come prepared with questions for the interviewer and to focus on being more "interested than interesting." She said a person asking the right questions elevates their status in the interviewers' eyes. 

"You should come to an interview prepared with about three-to-five questions that you want to ask them," said Anne. "You could have written on your notepad in case you're nervous, but you should think about some of the things you would want to know. When you get those answers, if they resonate with you, you can weave them into your answers when they ask you questions." 

So, what are good questions to ask in a job interview? 

She suggested: Can you tell me a little bit about what's important to you as an employee? What can I expect in a typical day if I'm hired? What do you need to do to become successful here? Are you going to do additional training? Do you pay for certification? Do you pay for tools? 

"These are good logical questions that show that you're interested in the position, and it also tells you what your commitment might be should you go there," she said. "You're interviewing them almost as much as they're interviewing you." 

The Lackeys stressed the significance of maintaining commitments and open communication once hired. 

"Do what you say you're going to do," Anne said. "The easiest way to get fired from any job is to not do what you say you're going to do." 

Anne assured the class that they have many opportunities ahead of them. 

"You guys are sought after," she said. "Nobody here should really be having a hard time getting a job. But you want to make sure it's the right job." 

HireSmart Cares aims to help Madison County youth prepare for successful careers. Anyone with a proposal for grant funding for local ag education or workforce development initiatives, or anyone seeking a presentation to youth on job preparedness, personal finance or entrepreneurship can contact info@hiresmartcares.org with requests or suggestions. 

Four Madison County, Georgia students traveled to Indianapolis recently and walked away with the fifth-place plaque in the National FFA Poultry evaluation "Career Development Event" (CDE).  

"We all truly wanted it," said team member Isabelle Williams, who was named the high individual in the written exam. "We wanted to win, and we worked so much with each other that we knew what we were good at, what we struggled with, and how to help each other through challenges." 

Williams was joined by George Parham, Devin Self, and Joshua Black, who was named high individual in the shell egg grading for interior and exterior factors. 

Participants in the poultry CDE select live meat-type chickens for broiler breeding, evaluate and place live egg-type hens, and rate the finished product by evaluating and grading ready-to-cook carcasses and parts of chickens and turkeys. 

HireSmart U.S. Agricultural Assistance — Kaylee's Story 

The Madison County team members got a boost from HireSmart Cares, which helped cover their travel expenses. HireSmart assists the next generation of farmers in a variety of ways, including covering travel costs for students to agriculture-related competitions.  

HireSmart Cares recently donated $50,000 to the Madison County FFA to expand the high school ag barn, allowing more students who don't live on farms to raise livestock and learn career skills in ag.  

Williams, who is interested in becoming a large animal veterinarian, said poultry judging success is about "paying attention to the small details" and helping each other. 

"That's the big factor in poultry judging — picking out all the defects from various poultry products," she said. "We have to judge individually, but then we would all share our suggestions on ways to improve and avoid missing things." 

Williams said participation in ag activities helps youth understand all the work that goes into food production, which she said is often overlooked. 

HireSmart hopes to raise awareness of the need for a new generation of farmers. "No farms = No food" is a succinct message that strikes home for HireSmart co-founders Mark and Anne Lackey, who commit to doing whatever they can to support youth and their ag career development. 

If you support that aim, consider donating to HireSmart's ag initiative here

You landed the job, and And you got that paycheck. Yay! Now what?  

HireSmart Cares founders Mark and Anne Lackey recently talked about personal finances with students in Melinda Cochran-Davis’s construction classes at Jackson Empower College and Career Center in Jefferson, Georgia. 

What does it take to live? 

Mark and Anne praised Cochran-Davis’s work with the students on budgeting. Davis assigned each student a salary based on their grade-point average in the class, with A's earning the most, followed by B's and C's. Students then had to allocate their income toward living expenses, including rent, auto costs, food, insurance, utilities, entertainment, etc. 

"This is a great tool!" said Mark, noting the importance of careful budgeting. 

Mark and Anne both shared their early-life budgeting processes with the students.   

"What I did is I kept a little notebook in my pocket, and every time I purchased anything, cash or check, I wrote it down," said Mark. "I did this for months, and after about three months, I could look at my history and know what it cost me to live." 

He then knew how to live within a budget because he carefully tracked the numbers. 

A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential  

Mark said banks make a fortune off overdraft fees and urged students not to help banks make their offices bigger by incurring unnecessary and expensive overdraft notices. 

"Whatever works for you," he said. "Develop a system of tracking expenses so you don't pay overdraft fees." 

Anne shared her former system of budgeting by envelopes. She talked about days of living lean and working to make a little bit of money last. 

"When I got my paycheck, I ended up taking it and cashing it, and I put it in envelopes," she said. 

There were envelopes for rent, car payments, gas, food, utilities, and entertainment. Anne talked to students about "fixed" costs, such as rent and car payments, versus "variable" expenses, such as food and entertainment. 

She put her cash into each envelope every pay period. When an unexpected expense arose, she had to determine which envelope went light. 

"Let's say I have a situation where my car breaks down, and I have to do repairs," she said. "Where does that money come from? I only have so many envelopes." 

Anne shared the necessity of firm budgeting priorities and a hierarchy of needs. She said rent, auto, and gas expenses came first. She needed a place to live and transportation to work. When unexpected costs came, she pulled first from entertainment funds and next from food. Anne added this system helped her positively refine her decision-making. 

"If I only have $20 for entertainment for the month, maybe I'm not buying that $7 Starbucks latte," she said. 

Mark and Anne also talked to the students about good debt versus bad debt, explaining that good debt has a positive return on investment, while bad debt continues to bite into your wallet for years. They urged students not to be on the wrong side of compound interest. 

They noted that taking on major debt for college without a viable repayment plan is financially destructive, with debt payments increasing over the years because of compound interest. They urged students to consider working through college to pay as they go or to see which employers have a tuition reimbursement program. 

"Think about your income potential after college," said Anne. "We often see kids saddled with $100,000 worth of debt, and their earning potential is $40,000 a year." 

Mark talked about how powerful compound interest can be for students if they save money over time and invest it wisely in interest-bearing accounts. 

"So compound interest can work for you in savings and against you in a loan," he said. 

Along those lines, Anne advised students to "beware of credit cards," noting the high-interest rates that saddle young people with debt. 

"They (credit card companies) make it sound so interesting, but it can get you into bad trouble," she said. "Don't try to live over what you earn because that will get to you." 

High schoolers are zooming toward the days of paychecks, rent, insurance, and other adult concerns. Mark and Anne want the next generation to face those challenges with skill and confidence. That’s why HireSmart Cares allocates time, tools, teaching, and technology to those efforts.  

To learn more about HireSmart Cares or to make a donation to the nonprofit’s mission to empower today’s youth through skill-development initiatives, visit hiresmartcares.org. 

HireSmart Supports Top FFA Ag Communications Team in the U.S. 

Katie Carrouth and her teammates, Abbi Adams, Anna Moon, and Anna Kate Mathis, laugh at the video of their surprised faces when they learned that, "Yes!" they're the best in the nation. 

The Madison County FFA Ag Communications team earned first in the U.S. at the 96th Annual National FFA Convention and Expo.  

"All of us were so shocked, and since then, we've all re-watched the clip so many times, just laughing at our own expressions," said Carrouth. "It was super sweet to have that moment filmed so we can all remember it." 

Adams, who placed sixth overall in the individual competition, said the moment was intense. 

"To me, it felt we were the only people in the room," she said. "All of my senses were both heightened and subdued at the exact same moment. It was a feeling I had never felt before. When they announced the second-place team and we realized we had won, I remember a feeling of shock. It wasn't until we left the stage that my sobs began, and I realized my hands were numb from stress." 

The quartet got a boost from HireSmart Cares, a nonprofit focused on helping youth develop job skills, which provided grants for Madison County FFA members, including the ag communications team, to cover costs associated with the trip. 

A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential    

A primary focus of HireSmart is encouraging youth involvement in agriculture, which involves spreading the word about career options and the relevance of ag in so many aspects of life. 

That's also the focus of ag communications teams — providing the public with a greater understanding of agriculture. 

Adams, a student at Wesleyan College majoring in English education and minoring in communications, said the importance of ag communications often goes overlooked. 

"Without agricultural communications, nobody would know anything relating to the agriculture industry," she said. "'Ag Comm' hopes to create advocacy and transparency. It is important for the future of the agriculture industry as it will help connect consumers to farms and major corporations." 

Carrouth, a singer/songwriter and music producer getting a Bachelor of Arts in Music at Georgia College and State University, said the agricultural communications focus in high school "allowed me to branch out and try more things that challenged me which has helped tremendously at college." 

HireSmart U.S. Agricultural Assistance — Kaylee's Story 

She wasn't raised on a farm, "so I always felt a bit left out of that sector," but she has relatives and peers in agriculture. 

"I saw the need for bridging the gap between non-traditional and traditional agriculturalists through activities of the FFA such as the agricultural communications CDE," said Carrouth.  

She added that reaching consumers to educate them about agriculture is "one of the most important things for the agriculture industry to focus on." 

Adams and Carrouth said the team's first-place finish in the U.S. was a byproduct of the companionship they felt as they worked toward a shared goal. 

"The four-person team dynamic is really special because it allows four separate approaches to creativity to be combined into one cohesive project," said Carrouth. "This competition is a lot of work and has many parts to complete, so having a team like ours is super important. As far as taking first place, I feel that it comes down to our passion for it. We all wanted to do well, so we put every ounce of effort we could into it. We are also very good friends, so teamwork skills came naturally." 

Adams said the "contest brought us closer than we ever imagined." 

"While we worked through every step of the way, we understand each other as well as the vision we hoped to create," she said. "We practiced compassion while simultaneously holding each other accountable… We wanted to keep practicing and tweaking the fine details because we wanted to be the best, and we didn't quite know what that meant at a national level. We all care about this contest so incredibly much. We didn't only want to win for ourselves; we wanted to win for each other." 

HireSmart Cares U.S. Career Assistance — Construction Class Story 

HireSmart Cares applauds the FFA team for their commitment to each other and their hard work toward a shared goal. If you have a workforce development idea and would like to share it with us, email info@hiresmartcares.org. To contribute to our efforts to help today's youth be tomorrow's leaders, click here

You’re going for that interview. You want that job. How do you land it? 

HireSmart Cares founders Mark and Anne Lackey recently talked with Melinda Cochran-Davis’s construction classes at Jackson Empower College and Career Center in Jefferson, Georgia about the essential soft skills needed when searching for work. 

"There are some foundational skills you need to know and practice," said Anne. 

Mark and Anne emphasized the need for respect and interest while seeking employment. 

"What we hear from employers and what we hear out in the community is one of the bigger problems is the lack of respectfulness given in those initial introductions," said Mark. 

The first sign of respect a job applicant can show a potential employer is a professional appearance. 

A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential  

Mark talked about how he worked full-time and took evening classes in college, where he arrived dressed in his three-piece business suit from the workday. A marketing professor called Mark and several classmates to the front of the room, asking, "Which person would you trust with your $10,000?" When the instructor pointed to Mark, the class cheered loudest. He said it really drove home the point that first impressions matter. 

"You don't have to wear a three-piece suit," responded Anne. "But you can be clean — no stains on your shirt, have your shirt tucked in with no wrinkles. You can do many things to make a good first impression that are easy and don't cost any money. Again, how's your hair? How are you coming across? Are you offering a good, firm handshake? Those little things make a huge difference in how people perceive you and how seriously they take you." 

Mark and Anne had the students stand and practice firm handshakes. One other tidbit of advice: If you wear a nametag, put it on the right side so that when you shake hands, it's visible to the person you're greeting. Also, remember to call people by their names and leave your cell phone in your car. No phone call or text is more important than a job interview. 

The couple emphasized the need for timeliness. Arriving for a noon interview at noon is late. "Always be early!" they said, noting the importance of factoring in potential delays, such as a traffic accident on your route. 

They urged the students to consider their behavior and appearance well before the interview begins, noting that how a person acts toward a receptionist is a vital indicator to employers of a person's character, which decision-makers notice.   

"Your interview starts the moment you step on the premises," said Anne, stressing the need to be respectful to everyone, including those encountered in seemingly chance meetings, perhaps even before entering the job site. 

"You don't want to cut someone off in traffic and then go in for your interview and realize that's who you just cut off in traffic," said Mark. 

Both urged teens to "be interested instead of interesting," pointing out that employers are drawn to intellectually curious applicants who ask good questions about the place of employment. 

An interest in others leads to better conversations, more information, and more potential connections. So, if a job doesn't work out, a connection has been made, and that person may be a source for additional connections and job opportunities. 

"What you do matters, how you act matters, how you treat people matters, what you look like matters," said Anne, adding that it's essential to get all of those things right to stand out in a competitive job market. 

HireSmart Cares empowers the next generation by donating to a variety of community efforts aimed at helping children and teens be self-sufficient in years to come. But for Mark and Anne, it's never about just writing a check and walking away. It's about truly being present for youth hungry for knowledge and encouragement. 

That’s why HireSmart Cares allocates time, tools, teaching, and technology to those efforts.  

To learn more about HireSmart Cares or to make a donation to the nonprofit’s mission to empower today’s youth through skill-development initiatives, visit hiresmartcares.org. 

"How many of you have gotten a paycheck?" 

HireSmart Cares founders Mark and Anne Lackey recently asked that question to a roomful of high school students at Jackson Empower College and Career Center in Jefferson, Georgia. 

Several raised their hands. Mark and Anne then led the students on a journey from job interview, to managing personal finances to starting their own businesses. How do you make smart decisions every step of the way? 

HireSmart Cares empowers the next generation by donating to a variety of community efforts aimed at helping children and teens be self-sufficient in years to come. For instance, Mark and Anne provide $2,000 grants to construction teachers in Madison and Jackson County to aid their efforts in developing teens’ hands-on skills.  

But at HireSmart Cares, it's never about just writing a check and walking away. It's about truly being present for youth hungry for knowledge and encouragement.  

“We’re here to try to help you be better in the future and give you some tips,” said Anne to students in Melinda Cochran-Davis’s class at Empower. 

The successful entrepreneurs, owners of six multi-million-dollar businesses, share their time and knowledge with young people who will soon face the challenges of getting a job, managing finances, and looking for potential entrepreneurship opportunities. 

A call to action: HireSmart Cares aims to help youth realize their potential  

The basic theme of their talk? Success is all about attention to detail. 

Mark and Anne emphasize the importance of attention to detail in every aspect of professional and personal life. They draw from their vast experience, illustrating how meticulous planning and execution played a pivotal role in their success. They shared anecdotes from their own careers, highlighting the small but significant decisions that led them to where they are today. 

The concept of “attention to detail” was not just limited to job tasks or business plans, but extended to everyday life decisions such as budgeting, time management, and setting goals.  

Mark and Anne discussed the importance of financial literacy, pointing out common mistakes young people make and offered practical advice on budgeting, saving, and investing. Their message was clear: managing money wisely is a crucial skill, especially for those aspiring to start their own businesses. 

The entrepreneurs also encouraged the teens not to get too down in the face of failure. They shared their experiences with setbacks and how they used them as learning opportunities, highlighting the reality that failure is often a stepping-stone to success.  

Mark and Anne urged the teens to be intellectually curious, to ask questions of others, and to recognize that there is a vast range of options for their future.  

The shared success stories, such as “Tony,” a local teen who made an HVAC industry connection while in high school and now has a profitable job in that field.  

“Tony has been promoted and promoted because he had skill sets that he demonstrated here in class being attentive, being interested,” said Mark. “Tony sat in one of these chairs just like you do.”  

High schoolers are zooming toward the days of paychecks, rent, insurance, and other adult concerns. Mark and Anne want the next generation to face those challenges with skill and confidence. That’s why HireSmart Cares allocates time, tools, teaching, and technology to those efforts.  

To learn more about HireSmart Cares or to make a donation to the nonprofit’s mission to empower today’s youth through skill-development initiatives, visit hiresmartcares.org.