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HireSmart Covers Cost of Shelving for Construction Class
Danielsville Elementary School construction teacher Christy Hanson recently received a check for $700 from HireSmart Cares Co-founder Mark Lackey. The grant covered the cost of mobile shelving for the school's construction class materials. "The shelves have come in so handy for us," said Hanson, whose fourth and fifth-grade students learn the construction basics. "I can…
Hands-on Skills: HireSmart Supports New Elementary School Construction Teacher
Although the school year is young, Christy Hanson already sees her Danielsville Elementary School construction students gaining confidence in their hands-on abilities. "I can see a difference already in just a couple of weeks that I've been with them," she said. Hanson said she's particularly thrilled to see girls learning how to use a miter…

HireSmart Founders Tell Students Entrepreneurship Must Be Rooted In Passion
HireSmart Cares founders Mark and Anne Lackey are addicted to entrepreneurship, having successfully run multiple multi-million dollar businesses. They love sharing tips with anyone aiming to launch a business. But their first word of advice is always — be ready to live frugally. "How many of you like to work and not get paid?" Anne…

HireSmart Founders Talk With Teens About Being Smart With That Paycheck
You landed the job, and And you got that paycheck. Yay! Now what? HireSmart Cares founders Mark and Anne Lackey recently talked about personal finances with students in Melinda Cochran-Davis’s construction classes at Jackson Empower College and Career Center in Jefferson, Georgia. What does it take to live? Mark and Anne praised Cochran-Davis’s work with…

HireSmart Helps Teens Be Smart When Seeking Employment
You’re going for that interview. You want that job. How do you land it? HireSmart Cares founders Mark and Anne Lackey recently talked with Melinda Cochran-Davis’s construction classes at Jackson Empower College and Career Center in Jefferson, Georgia about the essential soft skills needed when searching for work. "There are some foundational skills you need…

HireSmart Helps Teens Prepare For The Realities of Work Life
"How many of you have gotten a paycheck?" HireSmart Cares founders Mark and Anne Lackey recently asked that question to a roomful of high school students at Jackson Empower College and Career Center in Jefferson, Georgia. Several raised their hands. Mark and Anne then led the students on a journey from job interview, to managing…

Breaking News: HireSmart Cares Speaks at Rotary.
Mark Lackey, co-founder of HireSmart Companies was the speaker at Rotary to share the vision of HireSmart Cares.